Read customer testimonials and comments made by the people that interact with PI on a regular basis.
These relationships and partnerships range from between 6 months and 10+ years.

"Extremely helpful and quick to respond to any queries." is how Dr Nishal Ramadas , Marie Curie Research Fellow seconded to the University of Warwick, describes the PI team he has worked with over the past 4 years.
Dr Ramadas has an excellent working relationship with the team at PI and goes on to say "I use PI ceramics in many of my projects and also had some useful discussions previously about possibly designing a bespoke positioning rig for my research lab."
University of Warwick

"I recommend PI for all customers interested in reliable and precise micro and nanopositioning systems." says Dr Riccardo Degl'Innocenti, a research associate in the Semiconductor Physics Group of Cambridge University.
Dr Degl'Innocenti has been working with PI for 8 years and says "I was positively impressed by availability and technical preparation of the people I had the chance to discuss the project with. This was of great help in identifying the right items required for my purposes."
Cambridge University

TTP is a technology and product development company, working closely with its clients to bring new products to market and to create new business opportunities from advances in technology.
TTP values technical strength, flexibility, and reliability in its suppliers in order to support ambitious development programmes.
"We are therefore pleased to have been working with PI Ceramic for over a decade on a wide range of piezo-related projects, from early-stage research programmes through to transfer-to-manufacture."
TTP - The Technology Partnership | James McCrone, The Technology Partnership.

The [PI] staff are very knowledgeable and helpful, and helped me to easily pick out equipment for a project in an area where I had little prior experience."
Robert Style comments on what he likes about his relationship with PI. Robert, a departmental lecturer for research in Physical Sciences also said "I was recommended to PI by a colleague. Subsequent research showed that they also offered the best value for money for similar pieces of equipment."
Oxford University

Based in Wrexham, Micro Materials are specialists in Nanomechanical Test Instrumentation.
We spoke to Paul Grasske (Managing Director) and asked him a few questions and asked why he chooses to work with PI and has done for over 10 years.
What projects are PI involved with - "Several, including sensor optimisation and 3D profiling [and now we have a] successful adaptation of standard product to fit our requirements"
Why did you choose to work with PI - "We know we are buying market leading solutions and the PI contact is extremely helpful"
Micro Materials

Dr. Stefano Pagliara, a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow in Biosciences at Exeter University has been working with PI for over 5 years. He first engaged PI due to his precision positioning requirements for an inverted microscope.
Dr Pagliara uses the ultra precision XYZ piezo stage in combination with a larger travel motorized XY stage and the results has assisted his research that has since been published in high-impact factor journals.
"I highly recommend PI to anybody working with precision positioning applications" Dr Pagliara comments, after originally selecting PI as his partner of choice because of the "excellent reputation and reliability".
University of Exeter

Dr Tiwari of University College London recently stated that he works with PI because "[of its] reputation, followed by the straight forward support by the [PI] representative Mr Mohsin". Dr Tiwari continues "The customer support is excellent, thanks to Mr Mohsin and the support engineers."
PI have been involved in a number of projects at UCL, including the design of two sets of high-resolution 3D printing setups using the PI XYZ piezo stage.
University College London