Category: Technology

Physik Instrumente Photonics Alignment Techniques

Mastering Precision

The Evolution of Photonics Alignment Techniques from Manual to Algorithm-Assisted, Automated Systems

Alignment is crucial for effectiveness and performance in SiPh production. The industry has come a long way from manual processes to intelligent automation of photonics testing, assembly, and packaging. As the alignment of optics, fiber arrays, etc is the most time-consuming production step, new automated solutions improve yield, time-to-market, cost reduction, and scaling production volumes.

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Advances in Aircraft Construction

Hexapod Enables Highly Dynamic 6-D Compensation Kinematic for Robots

Physik Instrumente developed a high-performance 6-DOF hexapod motion and positioning system for highly dynamic compensation kinematics in aircraft construction. The project's goal was to enhance the processing and sealing precision of CFRP-components in resin transfer molding manufacturing processes, while also reducing manufacturing times and process costs.

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Analyzing the Surface Conditions on Mars

Analyzing the Surface Conditions on Mars

The CheMin instrument of the Curiosity Mars Rover performs chemical and mineralogical analyses on Mars rocks. In order to analyze rock samples, the rock powder first has to be sorted. PICMA Stack multilayer piezo actuators from PI Ceramic qualified for this task. They carry out the oscillations required in material selection and supply at a defined frequency. Due to their all-ceramic insulation, they are ideal for long-term use in outer space conditions at a temperature close to the absolute zero and with extremely low ambient pressure.

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PI H-811

Hexapods Make Complex Motion Profiles Simple

What can you use hexapods for? A common application is the rapid and accurate alignment of two components in six degrees of freedom during an automated production process, for instance, a printed circuit board (PCB) and a lens, or a PCB and a charge-coupled device.

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Some Like it Hot

How PI Is Helping to Unlock the Sun's Secrets

The Solar Orbiter space probe begun its journey in February 2020. Also on board: A tip/tilt unit from PI for the secondary mirror of one of the central experiments, the Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (PHI).

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Smart Vaccine Patch Production with Piezo Elements

In the wake of the global COVID-19 pandemic, modern vaccination technologies are gaining importance as they promise to protect the world population from future pandemics. Vaccine patches are one of these next generation applications and piezo components or actuators can be used to precisely dispense tiniest droplets on the microneedles.

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Ultrasonic Metering in Intensive Care Devices

Viruses and other infections particularly affect people with pre-existing conditions such as renal or cardiovascular diseases. In regard to the treatment and therapy of such illnesses, the demands on the medical devices used are ever increasing. Piezo technology offers various possibilities to improve them: Using piezo transducers, for example, makes intensive care devices such as infusion systems smarter and facilitates vital patient monitoring.

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Piezo Technology for Medical Ventilators and Nebulizers

Chronic respiratory diseases like mucoviscidosis, asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) but also bronchitis, influenza and lung diseases related to COVID-19 require extensive medical treatment. Medical ventilators and nebulizers have a significant part in improving patients’ clinical condition and treating their illnesses. Piezo-driven devices offer high precision and efficiency as well as hygienic advantages.

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How an Industrial Safety Concept Can Be Combined with a Hexapod

Finger, hand, or body protection in automated production processes

The integration of a barrier-free safety concept into the control circuit of the hexapod, e.g. of a PILZ safety light curtain, ensures finger, hand, and body protection depending on the required safety level.

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High Dynamic and Precision in All Three Directions in Space: Positioning Systems for Genome Sequencing

The Sequencing-by-Synthesis method, also known as Solexa-Illumina-method, is the most widespread method among all Next-Generation-Sequencing methods (NGS). It was used to identify the RNA fingerprint of the SARS-COV2 virus in January 2020 in a research institute in Wuhan. Dynamic and precise motion and positioning systems are crucial for the "Sequencing-by-Synthesis" genome sequencing method.

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